About Us
For more than 45 years FLEXA has brought joy to children around the world with our unique design of children's furniture and interiors that combines Danish design with the highest standards of safety and quality. Our collections are innovative designs made from long-lasting materials, which will grow with your children as their needs change.
The collections are all designed to create a safe and stimulating environment for your child. Alongside our strategic areas Sleep, Play and Study the collections add further dimensions to the stylish FLEXA universe, designed for these three focuses.
Children and their changing needs lie at the heart of what we do, and our products are designed and developed based on our experience and extensive knowledge of this area.

We develop complete, contemporary Scandinavian interiors for babies and children. All FLEXA products are designed to create a safe and stimulating environment which adapts, grows and transforms to meet children's ongoing developmental needs. We use our knowledge of children to create the world best functional, playful and sustainable room solutions at affordable prices.

Our production facility in Europe has more than 200 dedicated and skilled employees, ensuring the highest quality children's furniture. At our 3 European factories we product beds and storage products in solid pine, birch, oak and MDF. In Asia we have our own sourcing and textile production. This ensures our contemporary and playful collection of textiles lives up to our rigorous demans of non-toxic and environmetally friendly materials.

FLEXA Specialist Stores
The first FLEXA store opened in 1999 in Nice, France and our retail division has since developed into the largest chain of stores dedicated to kids' room interior solutions. TOday we have more than 140 specialist stores located in Europe, Asia, Americas and North Africa. Everyday our dedicated and knowledgeable partners around the world guid and advice parents to design the best possible room solutions for their kids.
FLEXA Studios
Throughout Europe, Americas and the Middle East FLEXA has established more than 450 studios with major furniture retailers and is widely represented in more than 1800 independent furnitire stores and e-tailers.